martes, 18 de abril de 2023

True Druid - Wizards & Warlocks (2023)

1. Wizards & Warlocks
2. Flick o' the Wrist
3. A Samurai's Worth (feat. Dephchyld)
4. Frost Enchanted Scimitar
5. Big Sword Choppin' Backs
6. Script Blemisher
7. Ghost Blade
8. Do you still wish to be a Sorceror?
9. Blammerpiece
10. Eldritch Flow
11. Roads of Gold (feat. 3M)
12. Hackin' the Breaks
13. Hyper Relaxation Potion
14. Eager Blade of the War Goddess
15. Bloodstained Mire (Scrolls in Knapsack)
16. Terminate
17. Great Ball of Fire
18. For the Homies